NewsletterIssue No. 22.2014 |
News |
Jean Tirole wins the Nobel prize in economic sciences [1] This year's Nobel prize in economic sciences goes to Prof. Jean Tirole of Toulouse University in France for his microeconomic research investigating how large firms should be regulated in order to prevent consumers being damaged by their monopolistic behaviour. |
Handbook of Game Theory, 1st Edition [2] The ability to understand and predict behavior in strategic situations, in which an individual’s success in making choices depends on the choices of others, has been the domain of game theory since the 1950s. Developing the theories at the heart of game theory has resulted in 8 Nobel Prizes and insights that researchers in many fields continue to develop. In Volume 4, top scholars synthesize and analyze mainstream scholarship on games and economic behavior, providing an updated account of developments in game theory since the 2002 publication of Volume 3, which only covers work through the mid 1990s. |
Events |
20th Coalition Theory Network Workshop [3] Venice, Italy, 19 March 2015 to 20 March 2015 Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei is honoured to host the 20th Coalition Theory Network Workshop. The Workshop will be mainly devoted to the theoretical and empirical analysis of networks and groups. Call deadline: 15 December 2014
8th Seminar Ordered Structures in Games and Decisions [4] Paris, France, 7 November 2014
2nd NES CSDSI winter school: "Impact of Cultural and Social Diversity on the Economic Development" [5] Suzdal, Russia, 8 December 2014 to 13 December 2014 Call deadline: 14 October 2014
9th Workshop on Economic Design and Institutions [6] Brussels, Belgium, 5 December 2014 Call deadline: 25 November 2014 |
Winter School and Workshop on Networks in Economics and Finance [7] Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 1 December 2014 to 5 December 2014 Call deadline: 01 November 2014 |
CTN Publications |
Influencing the influencers: Marketing Strategies and Social Networks [8] Andrea Galeotti |
Sequential Voting and Agenda Manipulation [11] Salvador Barberà, Anke Geber Tags: Social Choice [12] |
Sebastian Bervoets, Bruno Decreuse, Mathieu Faure Tags: Game Theory & Graphs [14] |
Whom are you talking with ? An experiment on credibility and communication structure [15] Gilles Grandjean, Marco Mantovani, Ana Mauleon and Vincent Vannetelbosch Tags: Experiments [16], Social Choice [12] |
E-participation: Social Capital and the Internet [17] Fabio Sabatini, Francesco Sarracino Tags: Network Formation [10], Social Choice [12] |
Stability of networks under level-k farsightedness [18] P.J.J. Herings, A. Mauleon, V. Vannetelbosch Tags: Bargaining Theory [19], Game Theory & Graphs [14], Social Choice [12] |
Separating equilibrium in quasi-linear signaling games [20] Rudolf Müller, Dries Vermeulen Tags: Game Theory & Graphs [14] |
Job vacancies |
CORE Postdoctoral Fellowship in Econometrics [21] The Center for Operations Research and Econometrics of the Université catholique de Louvain is offering research fellowships in Econometrics, starting September 1st, 2015. Submission deadline: 30 November 2014 |
Assistant professor in Economics with a specialization in econometrics [22] The Department of Economics at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, will recruit an assistant professor in Economics, with a specialization in Econometrics, during 2015. This is a tenure track position, with expected start date in August 2015, or possibly earlier. Submission deadline: 21 November 2014 |
Joint postdoc position at KIT and University of Strasbourg/BETA [23] The Postdoc position will be embedded in an international research group that deals with the economic implications of the interaction between human capital, creativity and innovation both along a theoretical and an empirical line. The applicant holds a PhD in Economics with a focus on innovation and growth, networks, and creativity issues. |
Faculty position in Economics with a specialization in Econometrics [24] The Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Lausanne invites applications for a full-time position as Full Professor or Assistant Professor (tenure track) in Microeconomics. The starting date is August 1st, 2015, or upon mutual agreement. Submission deadline: 21 November 2014 |
Professor in Microeconomic Theory at KU Leuven [25] The Department of Economics (Center for Economic Studies) at KU Leuven (Belgium) invites applications for a full-time position as Professor in Microeconomic Theory, specialized in theoretical economic research with microeconomic applications. Expertise in the fields of law and economics or behavioral economics is an asset. Submission deadline: 30 November 2014 |