Alessandro has accepted to has accepted to to take over Carlo Carraro in the role of local coordinator for the CTN team of CMCC. Alessandro has just been appointed as Senior assistant professor at Economic Deaprtment at University of Bologna, and is collaborating with the CTN Venice team since many years.
His research spans several topics in environmental economics, primarily related to overcoming behavioural and political economy barriers to cooperation in the (climate) commons. This is tackled through a combination of non-cooperative and evolutionary game theory models, as well as laboratory experiments, surveys and simulations, in an effort to shed light on the potential solutions to environmental dilemmas. For those who have not yet met him personally, he will join at the CTN Workshop in Aix.
Welcome aboard Alessandro!
The Board would like to publicly thank Carlo Carraro for all the job done up to now: the CTN was born also thanks to his initiative.
08 April 2019