Call for papers: Special Issue of Networks and Spatial Economics on ‘Intersections between Urban Studies and Network Science’

To further articulate this fast-evolving literature, Networks and Spatial Economics will publish a special issue on ‘Intersections between Urban Studies and Network Science’. NETS is a purposefully interdisciplinary journal devoted to the mathematical and numerical study of economic activities facilitated by human infrastructure networks. Papers for the proposed special issue, which will be guest-edited by Ben Derudder and Zachary Neal, should be methodologically focused, foregrounding the role of network and spatial analysis in the study of cities and city-systems.
Submissions are welcome from now until 31 December 2017 at the very latest at this link.
When submitting a manuscript for this special issue, please be sure to observe the following title structure for your paper: “Urban Networks Special Issue: Actual Title” to ensure that it is correctly allocated in the editorial system. Prospective authors are strongly encouraged to share title/abstract with the guest editors via and before submitting a paper to check if the paper aligns with the special issue’s objectives.