Common ranking and stability of overlapping coalitions

Working paper
Issue number:
CORE Discussion Papers
Université catholique de Louvain
Mauleon, Roehl and Vannetelbosch (GEB, 2018) develop a general theoretical
framework to study the stability of overlapping coalition settings.
Each group possesses a constitution that contains the rules governing both
the composition of the group and the conditions needed to leave the group
and/or to become a new member of the group. They propose the concept of
constitutional stability to study the group structures that are going to emerge
at equilibrium in overlapping coalition settings. They combine requirements
on constitutions and preferences for guaranteeing both the existence and the
emergence of constitutionally stable group structures. In this paper, we show
that an alternative way to exclude the ocurrence of closed cycles is to look for
constitutions that allow for a common ranking.