Competition for leadership in teams

Working paper
Issue number:
CORE Discussion Papers
Université catholique de Louvain
We analyze a model of information centralization in teams where players can only
exchange information through an endogenous network. Over several periods each
player can either pass or not pass her information to her neighbors. Once one player
has centralized all the information, all players receive some payoff. The winner who
collects all the information gets an additional reward. Since each player discounts
payoffs over time, she faces the dilemma of either letting another player centralizing
all the information fast, or trying to collect all the information by herself and to
overtake the leadership. We find that there is always a single winner who centralizes
the information at equilibrium and that only minimally connected networks can be
pairwise stable. We also characterize the winner and the duration for any network
and for any discount factor. We show that the star network is always pairwise
stable. More surprisingly, we find that even networks in which the centralization
takes a long time can be pairwise stable.