A Non- Cooperative Approach to Dynamic Bargaining

Working paper
Issue number:
Adam Smith Business School Discussion Papers
Adam Smith Business School - University of Glasgow
Many negotiations (for instance, among political parties or
partners in a business) are characterised by dynamic bargaining:
current agreements affect future bargaining possibilities. We
study such situations using bargaining games รก la Rubinstein
(1982), with the novelty that players can decide how much to
invest, as well as how to share the residual surplus for their own
consumption. We show that under certain conditions, there is a
unique (stationary) Markov Perfect Equilibrium characterised by
immediate agreement. Moreover, standard results in bargaining
theory can be overturned. For instance, despite the complexity of
the bargaining game, there are equilibrium strategies as in an ultimatum,
where the responder does not consume anything. Also,
a more patient proposer may consumes less than his opponent.
Additionally, a higher discount factor for one player may decrease
the MPE investment rates for both players. We study the effect
of different rates of time preferences, intertemporal elasticities of
substitution and rates of return on the equilibrium demands.