FEEM Press releases new volume "Coalitions and Networks. 12 papers from 20 years of CTN workshops"

New book
"A beautiful dozen. Twelve papers presented in 20 years of meetings of the Coalition Theory Network (CTN). Twelve seminal contributions to the theory of coalitions and networks. Not necessarily the twelve best papers. Certainly many other excellent papers have been presented and discussed in these 20 CTN workshops. Nevertheless, these papers well represent the story of the Coalition Theory Network, from the origins to the various evolutions in these 20 years"…
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary and annual workshop (March 19-20, 2015) of the Coalition Theory Network, FEEM Press is pleased to announce the release of the new volume “Coalitions and Networks. 12 papers from 20 years of CTN workshops” edited by Carlo Carraro, University of Venice, FEEM and Co-founder of CTN.
FEEM Press, FEEM’s new, open-access editorial series launched in 2014, serves as an outlet for the results of FEEM research, providing an authoritative and up-to-date source of information in the areas of climate change and sustainable development, energy and economics, with an emphasis on the geopolitical dimension.
19 March 2015