Dynamic Games and Applications Journal: special issue on Numerical Methods in Dynamic Games

Call for Papers
Dynamic Games (DG) offer a natural paradigm to study numerous problems in different areas ranging from economics and management science to engineering and social sciences. Realistic models in these fields are in general analytically intractable, and their treatment requires the use of numerical methods to obtain reliable approximate optimal strategies for the players, which can be implemented in a reasonable amount of time.
In 2017 Dynamic Games and Applications will publish a special issue on the subject, focused in particular on the following topics:
- Analysis of approximation schemes for DG;
- Constructive approaches to Cooperative and Noncooperative DG;
- Open-loop and closed loop equilibria;
- DG with multiple stable steady-states;
- Fast and parallel methods for DG;
- Numerical methods for hybrid and multi-mode DG;
- Numerical methods for Mean Field Games;
- Numerical treatment of DG applications in different fields, e.g., economics, management science, finance, social dynamics (consensus, flocking, swarming, etc.), engineering, communication, electric power markets and networks.
Guest Editors:
Maurizio Falcone, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, falcone@mat.uniroma1.it
Herbert Dawid, Bielefeld University, hdawid@wiwi.uni-bielefeld.de
The special issue welcomes submissions from theoreticians as well as applied researchers.
Submission Deadline: December 15th, 2015
Publication Date: March 2017 (issue 1 of Volume 7 of DGAA)
Earlier submission is encouraged, and papers will appear online following acceptance in advance of the production of the full special issue.
For submission instructions, please visit:
25 May 2015