Burak Can is the new Maastricht team coordinator for CTN

Burak is an assistant professor at the microeconomics group in Maastricht University, School of Business and Economics. He holds a B.A. degree in Economics from Bogazici University, and a M.Sc. degree in Economics from Istanbul Bilgi University. He acquired his M.Sc degree under the supervision of M. Remzi Sanver in July 2007 and his PhD degree at Maastricht University under the supervision of Bettina Klaus in February 2012.
Until February 2014, he worked as a post doc on his NWO Open Competition-400-09-354 project about Ideological Distance and Democratic Decision Making at Maastricht University.
Since February 2014, he is working as an assistant professor on his NWO VENI project, about Policy Design in Dynamic Matching Markets. You can find more information at his website: http://researchers-sbe.unimaas.nl/canburak/