One-to-one matching problems with location restrictions

Working paper
Issue number:
CORE Discussion papers
Université Catholique de Louvain
This paper introduces a novel set of one-to-one matching problems: matchings
subject to location restrictions. When scarcity of matching locations exists some
agents may want to form a new partnership without being able to implement it.
In this general setting we develop two stability concepts, direct and (coalition)
exchange* stability, akin to Gale Shapley stability and exchange stability
(Alcalde, 1995) respectively. We show that coalition-exchange* stability is a
refinement of direct stability. When no location scarcity exists then direct
stability is equivalent to Gale Shapley stability and coalition-exchange* stability
is equivalent to requiring both exchange stability (Alcalde, 1995) and Gale
Shapley stability. We show that the set of coalition-exchange* stable matchings
is a superset of the farsighted core, and equal to the farsighted core if locations
are not scarce and the matching problem is individually rational. The paper also
shows that an exchange* stable set can not be a strict subset of a farsighted
stable set and provides an example of a roommate problem in which no
farsighted stable set exists while an exchange* stable set does exist. Finally, the
paper obtains that deciding whether the farsighted core of an individually
rational roommate problem exists is NP-complete.