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New book
Key environmental issues, such as biodiversity and climate change, have in recent years become more pressing than ever. Where the critical papers in the early 1990s explained the difficulties of cooperation in tackling transboundary environmental problems, later works have analyzed the various alternatives, and increased our understanding of various institutional designs and negotiation protocols’ impact on the success of cooperation.
This collection brings together the most important articles on the game theoretic analysis of international environmental cooperation to both confront the cooperative and non-cooperative approaches to this, and demonstrate the diversity of methods used to analyze international environmental agreements.
26 February 2015
FEEM RE3 Article
Approaching the complexities inherent in human behavior, and compounded by the increasingly multifaceted environment we live in, requires multiple angles of attack. Hence, combining theoretical investigations and applied techniques appears to be a promising approach to inform the scientific and policy debates about environmental management. Sustainably managing jointly determined ecological-economic systems requires not only an understanding of the environmental factors that affect them, but also knowledge of the interactions and feedback cycles that operate between resource dynamics and activities attributable to human intervention. The socio-economic dynamics, in turn, call for an investigation of the behavioral drivers behind human action. We argue that a multidisciplinary approach is needed in order to tackle the increasingly pressing and intertwined environmental challenges faced by modern societies. Specifically, fruitful new insights into the mechanisms that can promote cooperation among the end-users of the local and global commons can be achieved by establishing bridges between the economic, the ecological and the behavioral traditions.
22 February 2015
This blog offers an interesting view on sports and their statistical and scientific research on them, how they interact with government, the law and society at large.
Game theory in practice!
23 December 2014
CTN Annual Workshop
The paper submission for the 20th CTN Workshop, to be held in Venice next 19-20 March 2015, closed yesterday. We received a record number of submissions of 110 papers. Thanks to all authors. Notifications are due by the end of January.
16 December 2014
This mini-course was presented by Myrna Wooders at the 2014 International Game Theory Society Workshop, held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in late July, 2014.
26 November 2014
During the 19th CTN Workshop, organized jointly by CORE (Université catholique de Louvain) and
CEREC (Université Saint-Louis), Tom Truyts and Gilles Grandjean, seized the opportunity to ask some questions to the 4
keynote speakers: Francis Bloch (Université Paris 1), Andrea Galeotti (University of Essex), Jean Jacques Herings
(Maastricht University), and Matthew Jackson (Stanford University).
20 November 2014
In the field of climate change mitigation, a growing interest in social and economic networks has been fostered by recent developments in the analysis of strategic network formation benefiting from an increasing methodological cross fertilization with earlier work on the formation of large networks, developed in mechanical physics.
In this short interview granted to Re3 - Review of Environment, Energy and Economics Journal, Alessandro Tavoni from The Grantham Research Institute of the London School Economics, gives practical examples on how, for instance, experimental games can be integrated into more traditional lines of research on coalition formation and stability.
20 November 2014
This year's Nobel prize in economic sciences goes to Prof. Jean Tirole of Toulouse University in France for his microeconomic research investigating how large firms should be regulated in order to prevent consumers being damaged by their monopolistic behaviour.
14 October 2014
New book
The ability to understand and predict behavior in strategic situations, in which an individual’s success in making choices depends on the choices of others, has been the domain of game theory since the 1950s. Developing the theories at the heart of game theory has resulted in 8 Nobel Prizes and insights that researchers in many fields continue to develop. In Volume 4, top scholars synthesize and analyze mainstream scholarship on games and economic behavior, providing an updated account of developments in game theory since the 2002 publication of Volume 3, which only covers work through the mid 1990s.
08 October 2014
With the occasion of the 20th CTN anniversary, to be celebrated during next CTN Workshop in Venice, Italy on 19-20 March 2015, we are launching a new logo and website.
29 September 2014