
Articles authored by researchers who are part of the Coalition Theory Network and published in international reviews are displayed in this section.


Sebastian Bervoets
Carmen Beviá
Carmen Beviá and Luis C. Corchón
Salvador Barberà and Danilo Coelho
Frédéric Deroïan and Mohamed Belhaj


Vincent Vannetelbosch, Ana Mauleon and P. Jean-Jacques Herings
Paul Belleflamme andEric Toulemonde
Aljaz Ule, A.J.H.C. Schram, A. Riedl and T. Cason
P. Jean-Jacques Herings, Ana Mauleon and Vincent Vannetelbosch
Arno Riedl, J. Brandts and F. van Winden
Friederike Mengel and Veronika Grimm
Jean Fonlupt, Alexandre Skoda
Giacomo Valletta
Burak Can and M. Remzi Sanver
Burak Can, Bora Erdamar and M. Remzi Sanver
Frédéric Deroïan
Yann Bramoullé, Habiba Djebbari and Bernard Fortin
Antonio Miralles
Arno Riedl, J. Goeree and A. Ule
Dunia Lopez-Pintado


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