
Articles authored by researchers who are part of the Coalition Theory Network and published in international reviews are displayed in this section.


Antoine Soubeyran, Ngo Van Long and Raphael Soubeyran


Gilles Grandjean, Ana Mauleon and Vincent Vannetelbosch
Alexei Zakharov, Norman Schofield, Christopher Claassen and Ugur Ozdemir
Shlomo Weber, Klaus Desmet, Michel Le Breton and Ignacio Ortuño-Ortín
Dunia L´opez-Pintado and Matthew O. Jackson
Myrna Wooders and Guillaume Haeringer
Shlomo Weber, Jean Gabszewicz and Victor Ginsburgh
Ana Mauleon, Vincent Vannetelbosch and Jose J. Sempere-Monerris
Daniil Musatov
Vincent J. Vannetelbosch, Ana Mauleon and Wouter Vergote
Pierre Dehez
Alexei Zakharov, Norman Schofield, Maria Gallego and Ugur Ozdemir
Myrna Wooders and Anne van den Nouweland
Michel Grabisch and Alexandre Skoda
Friederike Mengel and Ronald Peeters
Arno Riedl, Ingrid M.T. Rohde and Martin Strobel
Francis Bloch
Michel Grabisch and Agnieszka Rusinowska
Jean-Jacques Herings and H. Habis
Friederike Mengel and Constanza Fosco


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