
Articles authored by researchers who are part of the Coalition Theory Network and published in international reviews are displayed in this section.


Wouter Vergote and Alberto Martin
Eric W. Bond and Constantinos Syropoulos
Paul Belleflamme and Francis Bloch
Dunia Lopez-Pintado
Sergei Izmalkov, Matt Lepinski, and Silvio Micali
Vincent Vannetelbosch, Ana Mauleon and Jose J. Sempere-Monerris
Emily Tanimura and Rama Cont
Nizar Allouch, Arkadi Predtetchinski
Antonio Miralles
Frédéric Deroïan
Emily Tanimura, Sylvie Thoron


Paul Belleflamme and Pierre M. Picard
Arkadi Predtetchinski
Yann Bramoullé and Rachel Kranton
Yann Bramoullé and Rachel Kranton
Sebastian Bervoets and Nicolas Grave
Sebastian Bervoets
Sebastian Bervoets and Vincent R. Merlin


Dunia Lopez-Pintado
Vincent Vannetelbosch andOlivier Tercieux


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