Working papers

This section showcases the working papers published by Partner institutions in the area of network and coalition formation, and its applications.

In addition, since the formation of the Coalition Theory Network in 1995, all researchers who present their work at the CTN Annual Workshops are invited to publish their papers in the FEEM-CTN Working Papers series. FEEM Working Papers are widely circulated internationally and are downloadable from the FEEM website. They are also present on the AgEcon, Berkeley University Press, RePEc, EconLit, ZBW and SSRN databases.

Papers for publication in the FEEM-CTN Working Paper series can also be submitted by filling out the WEB SUBMISSION FORM on the FEEM website


Paola Manzini and Marco Mariotti
Johan Eyckmans and Henry Tulkens
Parkash Chander, Henry Tulkens, Jean-Pascal van Ypersele and Stephane Willems


Jeroen Hinloopen
Antoine Soubeyran and Jacques-François Thisse
Philippe Jehiel and Suzanne Scotchmer
S. Barberà, M. Maschler and J. Shalev
Massimo Morelli
Massimo Morelli
Shabtai Donnefeld
Tags: Trade Theory
Wilfred J.Ethier
Tags: Trade Theory
Alessandra Casella and James E. Rauch
Tags: Trade Theory
Patrick Legros and Andrew F. Newman
Tags: Matching
M. Botteon and C. Carraro
Debraj Ray and Rajiv Vohra
Sang-Seung YI
Sang-Seung YI
Marc Germain, Philippe Toint, Henry Tulkens and Aart de Zeeuw
Larry Karp and Sandeep Satcheti
Giulio Ecchia and Marco Mariotti


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